David Element


Wildlife Photography and Digital Video Images


____________________________________________________________Reptiles 23 – Viperine Snakes









                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura







                                                                                                VIPERINE SNAKE Natrix maura



·         This sequence of photographs illustrates a Viperine Snake Natrix maura attempting to catch an (unseen) Iberian Water Frog Pelophylax perezi, another unconcerned example of which may be seen in the top left hand corner of some of these pictures. This snake is a non-venomous colubrid although the zig-zag patterning (an example of Batesian mimicry) is clearly intended to resemble the markings of an Adder Vipera sp. to deter any potential predators. The Viperine Snake had been lurking at the bottom of a small pool in a very dry and hot Reserva de Faia in Portugal and having appeared at the water’s surface initially stalked its prey slowly and steadily before suddenly launching itself at the intended target – and right out of the frame! It chased the frog out of the water, following it onto the bank before realising that its efforts had been unsuccessful and returning to the water. Iberian Water Frogs are capable of leaping several feet and this attribute was put to good use on this occasion. Unfortunately the photographer was only equipped with a 105mm lens at the time so no close-ups would have been possible but at least the use of this lens enabled much of the action sequence to be captured. The blurred images illustrate just how quickly the snake was moving when it attempted to strike.




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